GreenPlanet Wholesale is conducting its annual inventory count. Please take note of these important dates to ensure there is no impact on your customers. Please read and share the following key details with your purchasing teams. All orders received during this time will be processed the week of May 1st.

- The last cut-off date for all submitted orders is April 22nd at 12 PM PST
- All orders received before the cut-off should be picked, packed, and shipped by April 23rd
- Inventory count is being conducted April 24th – 30th.
- Normal operations resume May 1st.
- Remidner that all orders submitted from April 24th – April 30th will be processed in the week of May 1st.
- The last cut-off date for all submitted orders is April 24th at 11 AM PST
- All orders received before the cut-off should be picked, packed, and shipped by April 25th
- Inventory count is being conducted April 25th – 30th.
- Normal operations resume May 1st.
- Reminder that all orders submitted from April 25th – April 30th will be processed in the week of May 1st.
We apologize for any inconvenience or disruptions this may cause and greatly appreciate your patience during this time. If you have any questions, or would like to place an order to be processed the week of May 1st, please reach out to our sales team: