In ancient Egypt, the flooding of the Nile River was of such importance that the year was divided into three seasons: Akhet (Inundation), Peret (Growth), and Shemu (Harvest). The Egyptians believed the Nile overflowed with tears their Goddess, Isis, would shed for her slain husband, King Osiris. Little did they know that the yearly flood coincided with the monsoon season in early spring. In this period, capillary springs and rivers would fill with water and overflow into the great Nile, subsequently irrigating the surrounding plains of Egypt.
History and mythology aside, the annual flooding of the Nile is arguably responsible for sustaining one of the world’s greatest and most powerful ancient civilizations. At its height of influence, ancient Egypt could feed up to two million people a season, as the water which flooded the fields of farmers carried with it a rich and valuable resource – fertilizer. The aquatic diversity of the Nile River is rivalled only by a few other freshwater sources in the world; in this exotic ecosystem, fish produce waste which can benefit plants in amazing ways. In the case of ancient Egypt, access to this natural ecological resource did more than subside hunger, it even helped build an empire. Of all the products available in the industry of gardening today, there is only one bottled supplement which attempts to emulate the growth-enhancing properties of the Nile River – you guessed it, Fish Sh!t.
What Fish Sh!t Can Do For Your Garden:
Lucky for us, the same technology utilized by the ancient Egyptians exists today in a bottle. Cultivated at Fish Head Farms by providing selected tilapia with a nutrient-rich blend of food, Fish Sh!t is a root enhancing product which provides your chosen medium with a specially formulated microbial profile. By including Fish Sh!t as a supplement in your general feeding program, you can expect the following benefits:
Increase in Yield
Fish Head Farms states that using Fish Sh!t can result in an expected twenty percent increase in yield. There’s a lot of truth in the old saying, “the bigger the roots, the bigger the fruit”; with a larger root system due to the inclusion of Fish Sh!t, gardeners can be sure to expect larger flowers at harvest time.
People who use Fish Sh!t can expect up to a 20% increase in yield.
Tom Fox,Co-Founder of Fish Head Farms
Increase in Flavour and Aroma
The addition of an organic supplement, especially one as rich in natural material as Fish Sh!t can be instrumental in procuring a high-quality end product. Based on control tests conducted by Fish Head Farms, researchers found that plants enhanced with Fish Sh!t exhibited higher percentages of overall cannabinoids and a larger split between the most aromatic and flavourful terpenes.
Increase in Nutrient Uptake
The beneficial properties of Fish Sh!t can help to break down heavy salts, micro and macronutrients, faster and with greater efficacy in the root zone, therefore leading to an increase in cumulative nutrient uptake. Fish Sh!t can even be utilized during a plant’s flushing period to increase the uptake of heavy macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium before harvest.

I was able to see immediate results in my own plants after just a week. I ran a full vegetative and flowering cycle, applying Fish Sh!t to only a few of the plants to get a fair comparison. FishSh!t exceeded my expectations, Jason explains. I ran the same strains, from the same three mother plants for a year, through multiple cycles. I can honestly say that there was a noticeable improvement between my earlier harvests and with every harvest, since I started using Fish Sh!t, the flavor and yield have definitely improved.”
My numbers show an 8-10% higher yield on average, with dense buds that have heavy trichome coverage and stronger terpenes.
OMRI Listed for Organic Use
Fish Sh!t is OMRI listed for organic use and University tested. It provides a complex Microbial profile that includes thousands of different species of bacteria, fungi and protozoa. This profile is closer to a natural ecosystem than anything you will find on the market. It is a piece of nature in a bottle. Fish Sh!t makes fruits, herbs and vegetables healthier, taste and smell better and it improves plant health, growth and production. Fish sh!t will make your plants smile and your garden thrive.
Whatever your motivations for using Fish Sh!t may be, the well-rounded, plant enhancing properties of this supplement are evident. To access the rich and diverse compounds of Fish Sh!t, contact a member of the GreenPlanet sales team, or your local garden supply store for samples, product information and purchase inquiries.
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