2024 Inventory Count: April 23rd – April 30th, normal operations resuming on May 1st. All orders placed after cut-off will be processed the week of May 1st. More information.
We love travelling to events across North America and talking to craft growers and LPs about our products. It’s a genuine treat to attend events like The Lift & Co. Cannabis Expo or the Homegrown Expo and talk shop with people in the industry.
There is no fooling this crowd! Real growers aren’t fooled by flashy marketing, and they don’t want to hear a sales pitch. They want to know exactly what your product can or can’t do for their operation. So, what can Bokashi Pro-Gro do for you?
The Kitchen Sink
We’re not just boasting when we say we’re literally offering a living superfood for your soil with this mix. We’ve taken good old-fashioned Canadian wheat bran and we have inoculated it with beneficial microbes, probiotics, and beneficial fungi. We’ve also added a plethora of B vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic whole food complex, kelp, and organic beetroot juice. We ferment all of that down and it becomes a building block for your soil with the microbes, nutrients, minerals, and organic matters. It’s been called a Kitchen Sink mix, and it’s all just really beautiful stuff.
Organic or Synthetic Inputs
The beautiful thing about Bokashi is that it creates a living soil that works great with both organic inputs and synthetic salt inputs. You can drop your PPMS to 700 by using this as a soil amendment, or one and a half cups per 10 gallons of your medium, and literally water-only for the first little while. And then when it comes time to put your nutrients in, you can drop them down.
Everybody loves to be able to use less salt. But the great thing about it is, even though you’re using less, the microbes break down those inorganic nutrients and salts to make them more bioavailable to the plant naturally. You’re using less, but you’re maximizing the potential of your nutrients and the inputs. You’re also creating stronger and louder chirping expressions, trite productions, bud sites, and just overall high bricks and health. This makes maximizing the plant so easy.
And of course, growers take comfort in knowing that we have our CFIA approval. We have also recently acquired approval and certification by:
The Oregon Department of Agriculture
Health Canada
We’re proud to be compliant with industry standards, but we’re even prouder to step above and beyond compliance to exceed our customers’ expectations and make them rethink what’s possible.
Let’s Talk About Your Growth
Bokashi Pro-Gro Organic Soil Amendment gives you healthier, stronger plants with increased flavour, colour and yield!
The stuff works great on cannabis plants. I was seeing some deficiencies in the veg stage, so I sprinkled some on the topsoil, mixed it in, then watered. 3 days went by and my plants are growing faster and stronger and the deficiencies have stopped.
You’re thinking about starting or organizing a community garden project. Good for you! You are about to embark on an incredible journey that will bring people together and help your entire community!
But, after your initial excitement for the idea, you might get discouraged when you step back and take a look at the sheer amount of work that needs to be done. You will start to second guess everything and ask questions like:
Can I really do this?
Is this really worth it?
Am I going to rally enough people to make this work?
Yes, you can! Fight your way through the early stages of doubt and push on. It may seem daunting at first, but all worthwhile endeavours seem that way when you start. Remember, you’re about to do an incredible thing for your local community and your environment. They need you to do this! Just keep these things in mind:
1. Understand How Allotment Plots Work
Most community gardens are established as allotment plots. This simply means this land has been made available for individual, non-commercial gardening, or the growing of food plants. A lot of community garden plots belong to people and families that rent the space, personally buy all the materials, and take care of all the maintenance.
The more time you spend obsessing over the layout of your garden beforehand, the more you will thank your obsessive self down the line. It’s okay to catch a mistake or potential issue on a piece of paper during the winter months when you’re in the planning stage. It’s a lot more frustrating to catch these issues in the summer months when you’re actually there in person.
At this point, we probably don’t have to sell you on the virtues of patience in the world of gardening and what a crucial prerequisite it is. You need to offer this same level of patience to the people who will help you. Some community gardens have a buzz and a high level of support before they even start, and a big mob of people show up on Day 1. Others do not. Others will see slow growth. Don’t be discouraged if pictures of your community garden don’t go viral and make you an overnight success. If you build it, they will come. They may come at their own pace, but they will come! You will get the help you need to achieve all your goals.
Your project is all about the community, so why not skip synthetic fertilizers and go with an organic fertilizer that’s better for your community as a whole. Organic fertilizers are a much more environmentally-friendly option for your local soil, air, and water. You are also simply going to see much better flavour, colour and yield.
Using a natural product like My Good Green Compost System can turn your food scraps into liquid gold. It’s a proven and predictable way to give yourself nutrient-rich soil. We have recently seen First Nations communities switching to Bokashi composting systems so they can maintain complete control over what they put back into their soil. The communities are also embracing the entire Bokashi product line, including the Pet Compost Kits.
Ever since our community was introduced to Bokashi, some of the local residents took it upon themselves to experiment with Bokashi. Some found that feeding a scoop of Bokashi a day to their dogs got rid of that awful wet dog smell and gave their loved fur animals, a healthy and shiny coat.
Gail Jacko, 2021, Whitefish River First Nation
We are proud to be used by a number of community garden projects across the US and Canada. If you have any questions about how our products can help your project, click here to contact us any time!
This blog was written and provided in partnership withMyGoodGreen
Anybody who has grown plants indoors, on any scale, knows that one of the most tedious jobs is the mess and work associated with bringing dirt indoors. Not only are soils and soilless media cumbersome and messy, but they can also become downright expensive over long periods of time. Experienced growers may also be painfully aware that their growing media can be a source of problems, particularly when it comes to harbouring pests and their eggs – the two-spotted spider mite is the bane of the indoor farmer. In some instances, no amount of spraying may ever totally rid the grow room of these and other pests when they have plenty of room to hide and regroup in the growing media below the plant canopy. Additionally, the surface of the growing media may also hold mould spores; it is well-known that dirt media gives way to blights and mildews in the garden, as these potential hazards have a natural habitat from which to launch their crop-damaging assault. The list of the evident disadvantages of growing in dirt goes on – we haven’t even begun to discuss the hassle of removing and disposing of used, root-bound soil.
Hydroponic systems, particularly water-culture systems like the Under Current RDWC (Re-Circulating Deep Water Culture), help to eliminate the problems touched on above, while simultaneously offering a full spectrum of advantages not had by soil or other media-based gardens. Advantages such as crop quality, steer-ability, and economical savings are just a few potential benefits afforded to hydroponic systems. Indoor gardens supported by automated hydroponics can expect these advantages over soil-based gardens because water-based systems give bare-rooted plants a clean and highly aerated environment system in which to grow. A continuation of the potential advantages of deep water-culture systems are detailed in the list below.
Advantage #1: Crop Quality
The most agreed upon advantage of growing completely hydroponically is the tendency for a particular garden to produce higher quality crops than those typically grown in soil. While this tends to initiate some debate among growers, anybody who has sampled a true water-culture flower (flower produced without growing medium) is more often than not, blown away by the quality. When you taste water-culture grown crops you are tasting the plant, not the soil or funky crop nutrient additives.
Increased Taste, Colour and Terpene Profile
Most of what we like to taste in plants comes from the essential oils they produce. These are typically referred to as terpenes or “terps”. Terps are also highly sought after and valued by those in the business of producing or enjoying concentrates extracted from crop harvests. Professional level extractors often prefer working with clean water-culture-produced harvests because there is little in the way of impurities. Additionally, these crops produce the best colours, tastes, potency levels and other qualities in their final stages of extraction.
Trichomes produce the taste and flavours in your final yield.
A closer look at trichomes.
Water-culture grown flowers are often noted to have a more profound “nose” and better coloration. Again, from the simple fact that what you are enjoying is pure plant material with little to no impurities. That’s the key fundamental difference between growing in soil and growing in water, as water-culture is intended to bring out the very best in naturally occurring plant genetics by simply using clean water, oxygen and pure plant-available elements – no man-made extras needed.
Advantage #2: Crop Steerability
While soil and soilless methods of growing are about feeding the medium, water-culture growing is about directly feeding the plant. With this fact in mind, the benefits of water-culture are evident when attempting to produce a quality-driven harvest; additionally, having the ability to supply and manipulate crop nutrition gives the grower a significant advantage in being able to steer or direct crop development at any growth stage.
With nothing but clean water and a highly oxygenated nutrient solution, changes in the crop feeding program can be observed within hours, rather than days or weeks. By following a proven feeding program and utilizing high-quality nutrients like Cultured Solutions, the grower is in complete control of nutrient strengths, ratios and pH levels. When coupled with good plant genetics and a healthy growing environment, there is nothing but rigorous growth awaiting plants in water-culture. All of the plant’s needs are being met precisely and measurably, and good results are repeatable and transferable. One way to look at water-culture is that it is like a formula rather than a recipe. Known inputs and methods will result in a predictable and desirable outcome versus more “hit or miss” approaches associated with conventional growing practices.
Did you know: Water culture grown crops thrive at lower EC levels and do not require any flushing prior to harvest for a super smooth and clean tasting finish in the final harvest.
Advantage #3 Water Savings & Management
Just because you have a bigger reservoir doesn’t mean that you use more water. The larger volume of nutrient solution associated with water-culture systems adds stability for crops; furthermore, EC and pH fluctuations are buffered, lending to healthier growth and less incidence of deficiencies or imbalances. Water culture systems like the Under Current RDWC system are accurately classified as closed-loop recirculating systems. This means that almost every drop of water used in the system is taken up by plants. Little or no moisture is lost to the surrounding air in a closed hydroponic system. Not only does this stack up to near 50% water use reduction per crop, but it also means that the grower has better control of the aerial environment; for example, no unwanted water vapour is being added to the grow room or greenhouse air from outside sources.
Here is an example of the inner workings of the Under Current systems. Water circulates through all the modules, ensuring plants can easily uptake nutrients with no wasted water. Sourced from the 2019 Current Culture H2O Product Catalogue
Having a tight hold on moisture in the system also makes measuring daily water use an accurate and invaluable crop diagnostic and management tool. Daily water use is easy to chart, and with this tool available in the garden, growers can measure water intake consumed directly by the crop; there is no guesswork as to how much was lost to evaporation versus crop nutrient solution uptake.
CCH2O is always pleased to lend direct support for custom grow room design and installations – there is no project too big. And by working with our partners at GreenPlanet Wholesale, you can bet you’ll receive nothing short of professional excellence in service, both before and after you buy.
This blog was written and provided in partnership with Current Culture H2O.
Current Culture H2O (CCH2O) is widely recognized as a world leader in the development, planning and use of active water culture systems. CCH2O incorporates the patented and proven principle of Re-Circulating Deep Water Culture (RDWC) in our famous Under Current series of RDWC systems – a concept refined and developed by company founders Daniel Wilson and Christian Long beginning before the company’s founding in 2006. More recently, CCH2O is gaining recognition for Cultured Solutions, a complete, economical and easy to follow crop nutrient system that excels in hydroponics, and that is also becoming widely adopted in media-based growing systems like coco or rockwool.
Crops grown in the Under Current RDWC systems with Cultured Solutions are often described as the highest quality harvests ever seen or experienced both by consumers and growers alike. The clean smooth tastes and intense fragrances in the final harvest are the results of plants assimilating pure forms of essential nutrients under highly oxygenated root zone conditions – as it turns out, people love to taste the plant, not the dirt. Naturally, the yields and growth rates get people’s attention too!
The Advantages of Growing with Current Culture H2O
Besides amazing results, one of the factors that have contributed to the wide success of the Under Current system is the level of scalability and ease of changing configurations; for instance, the adaptability as part of the growing evolution. This is one of the reasons Current Culture H2O is so excited to be working with GreenPlanet Wholesale. As the Canadian distributor of CCH2O solutions, GreenPlanet can supply growers at both the commercial and hobbyist level with easy access to their system components to build a garden that works for every space, budget and scale demand. And of course, as well as to deliver complete turnkey systems, whether as one of their ready to ship Under Current system packages or as a complete custom designed turnkey operation.
Hobbyist to Commercial Level!
All CCH2O complete systems and components are professionally designed, manufactured and packaged. We use the latest in CAD design not only in developing and making our systems and components, but all CCH2O systems come with highly detailed and easy to follow instructions for assembly, operation and maintenance. There is absolutely no guesswork required or luck involved for growers to attain exceptional cropping results. Whether it’s your first time growing a small crop at home, or the hundredth as a professional grower in a licensed facility, success can almost be guaranteed when selecting the Under Current series of hydroponic systems.
Justin chats to the Current Culture Team at the Lift & Co. Expo.
What to Expect when Using an Under Current System
Hydroponic systems are renownedfor saving growers time and money; so, If you’re a grower who wants to save significantly on time, water, power and plant food, switching to a CCH2O Under Current system is among the smartest decisions you’ll ever make in the garden. Listed below are some of the advantages to expect when switching to a closed-loop Under Current System:
Significant savings in water use; closed hydroponics systems lose very little water to air, allowing plant nutrient solution uptake to become an accurate diagnostic in the grower’s toolbox.
Using the principles of thermodynamics, it can be more economical for growers to heat or cool the nutrient solution of growing plants, rather than expend more energy in an attempt to cool or heat the air in the aerial growing environment. This feature offers growers a large potential reduction in power use.
Growth rates are exceptionally fast and healthy; save weeks in the vegetative growth phase to achieve the same sized plant at harvest versus traditional cropping methods.
Because there is little to no growing medium in the system, it is easier to maintain hygienic growing conditions reducing potential insect or pathogen pressures on the crop; the Under Current doesn’t give places for the bad guys to hide and reproduce
All Under Current systems are highly scalable and adaptable while saving big on labour; it’s easy to start at a smaller scale and add on as plants or your cropping needs grow.
Clean and Stable Hydroponic Nutrients: Cultured Solutions
Early on, Current Culture H2O began to recognize the need for very clean crop nutrients and additives that would be easy to use, and give great quality yields and results. Additionally, after extensive testing of other nutrient systems in the marketplace, CCH2O developed a line of nutrients that not only delivers great quality results but also creates a stable pH solution and avoids drastic spikes in EC.
This need gave rise to Cultured Solutions, hydroponic nutrient formulations they developed to meet their stringent criteria of minimizing hassles associated with hydroponic plant food, and the development of a nutrient system that would help growers get the most out of RDWC technology. After years under development, CCH2O is pleased to make widely available the proven nutrient line, Cultured Solutions, GreenPlanet Wholesale. Made with the professional grower in mind, Cultured Solutions are highly concentrated and economical to use. A low salt index means Cultured Solutions won’t plug up injector systems and irrigation lines while keeping the root zone and growing media clean and clear to maximize nutrient uptake for aggressive crops that taste great at harvest.
Because of the clean and stable nature of Cultured Solutions nutrients, growers using other types of systems including rockwool and coco continue to make the switch and join the following of hydroponic growers achieving next-level results. For more information about Cultured Solutions nutrient and additives and for detailed use in your type of system, please consult their crop feeding program page. For other inquires about Current Culture H2O, contact your GreenPlanet representative for questions, sales and purchasing information.
This blog was written and provided in partnership with Current Culture H2O.
With cannabis cultivation moving from the black market to the stock market, licensed producers and professional growers are adapting the skills they honed over years of growing at home. Part of this process has been to re-evaluate growing supplies and techniques to ensure maximum profitability. This means producing top-quality harvests, with reliable products that effectively save time and money.
Lotus Nutrients: Changing the Way We Garden at Scale
Liquid fertilizers have reigned supreme in the home grown market for ages, however, growers in commercial spaces have been transitioning to powdered nutrients because of the cost-effectiveness and ease of use. Due to the difficulty in combining essential macro and micro-elements, most nutrient companies package them separately, forcing the grower to buy as many as a dozen separate products in order to obtain all of the nutrients cannabis plants need throughout their lifecycle. Due to the significant amount of water present in every bottle, and the sheer number of components needed, these liquid nutrient programs can be complicated and bulky. Maintaining these recipes becomes expensive very quickly and incredibly time consuming when administering at a large scale.
A new powdered nutrient company out of SantaRosa, CA, Lotus Nutrients, is leading the way to a fundamental shift in how we feed plants at a commercial level.Lotus Nutrients blends all the essential nutrients into a simple three-step system formulated by medical growers, and specifically designed for medicinal plants. Their water-soluble powdered nutrients are quickly becoming the preferred choice for commercial agriculture and a great solution for new growers. Even more exciting, because of the high solubility of Lotus Nutrients products, their highly reliable 3-part system will perform equally well in all mediums including, soil, peat-based, coco and hydroponics.
The Quality, Care and Craftsmanship of Lotus Nutrients
Lotus Nutrients Pro Series s feature a simplified 3-step powder-based formula that promises to outperform any 8, 9, or 10 part liquid recipe. The naturally formulated recipe is also free of dust, dyes, fillers and is formulated with anti-caking technology. To affirm the quality and care that is put into the manufacturing process, Rory Kagan, CEO of Lotus Nutrients had this to say on the subject of the company’s attention to detail:
We worked tirelessly with our expert team of growers, scientists, and horticulturists to develop what is now known as Lotus Nutrients. Made using only the highest quality raw materials, Lotus provides everything your plants need to go from seed to harvest, yielding only the most impressive results.
Rory Kagan, CEO, Lotus Nutrients
Perhaps those who have seen the most success with Lotus Nutrients are those on the front lines of the industry. For instances, retailers in the United States have been overwhelmed with the positivity surrounding recent reviews of Lotus Nutrients; a sales representative from Ohio Hydroponics, had this to say about the expected results while using Lotus in the garden:
I tested Lotus Nutrients in one of my rooms and was shocked to see over 2 inches of plant growth overnight. I’ve since switched all of my rooms over to Lotus and couldn’t be happier with the results.
Sales Representative, Ohio Hydroponics
Simplifying the Garden: Lotus Nutrients 3-Part System
Lotus Grow aids in producing thick stems, tight inter-nodal spacing, dense canopy development, and massive roots, while Bloom is designed to trigger rapid on-set of flowering by providing plants with all necessary components needed for strong development. Finally, Boost is the turbo-charged secret weapon that leads to an unsurpassed size and density of flowers while maximizing oil production for increased potency and taste.
Lotus Nutrients will be available in Canada, January of 2021. To experience the Lotus advantage for yourself, contact your GreenPlanet representative for sales, samples, or product information.
This blog was written and provided in partnership with Lotus Nutrients.
Liquid nutrients have long been the standard in the horticultural industry, but now there’s a higher performance alternative that many growers have found to be more complete, more cost-effective, and easier to use. In hopes of simplifying the garden, GreenPlanet Wholesale welcomes gardeners everywhere to the line of premium plant products by Lotus Nutrients.
Keep it Simple With Lotus Nutrients
Most liquid nutrient companies package many of the essential macro and micronutrients separately, requiring growers to buy several products in order to obtain all of the nutrients cannabis plants need throughout their lifecycle. These nutrient systems are expensive, complicated, and bulky, primarily due to a large amount of water included in every formulation. However, soluble products like Lotus Nutrients, which are formulated by medical growers, and are specifically designed for medicinal plants, blends all of the essential nutrients into a simple three-step system. This simplicity saves growers a tremendous amount of time and money, while simultaneously improving the quantity and quality of their harvests. Thanks in part to Lotus Nutrients, soluble fertilizers are quickly becoming a preferred choice for licensed producers who are looking to increase quality, save time, and simplify their nutrient regiment.
Lotus nutrients are comprised of 14 raw, natural components including 11 essential Macro & Microelements distributed in a 100% water-soluble powder.
Founded by a team of growers, scientists, and horticulturists with decades of cultivation experience between them, Lotus has created the industry standard for pure, medicinal-grade plant food. Lotus Nutrients products are composed of 15 unique natural ingredients including 13 essential macro and microelements, as well as raw materials like seaweed extract, humalite, and plant protein hydrolysate. This formula is crafted with care in California to be anti-caking, 100% water-soluble, and free of potential contaminants like dust, fillers, and dyes.
Since its release, Lotus Nutrients has benefited gardeners in amazing ways. Adding more than just simplicity to the garden, Lotus has brung quality powered fertilizer’s back to the market. Knowing the economical and labour saving advantages by switching to a powdered fertilizer, even licensed producers have made the move to Lotus Nutrients.
I switched the nutes for my mother plants to Lotus, and within a week I saw an explosion of growth. The proof is in the results. I promise you’ll love Lotus Nutrients and how easy it is to use them. I guarantee your plants will grow bigger and stronger. You can’t go wrong choosing Lotus for your nutes!
Juco,Licensed Producer
Get To Know The Bases
Contains over 14 separate ingredients uniformly distributed through the powder.
Full-spectrum of macro and microelements
Micronutrients are 100% chelated for full solubility and immediate availability to your plants.
Fortified with naturally occurring amino acids, organically sourced and 100% water-soluble and available to the plants.
Looking for harvesting solutions for your large indoor, outdoor or greenhouse operation? The industrial-sized trimmers and buckers from CenturionPro may be the right fit for your garden. CenturionPro’s industrial harvesting solutions bring more flowers per hour! CenturionPro develops elite harvesting solutions for the global cannabis and hemp industries. Trimmers and buckers provide unrivalled performance for a range of grow sizes, delivering flowers almost indistinguishable from hand-trimmed products quickly-without sacrificing quality.
CenturionPro is constantly innovating and refining its machines to provide elite solutions for every harvest. Check out the ideal industrial trimmer and bucker for your operation below in their catalogue of harvesting solutions for the commercial producer!
Industrial Trimmers
XL 5.0 & XL 5.0 SE
CenturionPro’s XL 5.0 and XL 5.0 SE are designed for large commercial operations, with the machines delivering over 400,000 cuts per minute. The industrial solutions provide producers control over all aspects of the harvesting process, so they can refine the trim for a perfect finish. The XL 5.0 boasts output rates of up to 1,500 lbs of wet cannabis per hour (300 lbs dry). The XL 5.0 SE goes a step further, with additional blades to trim up to 2,250 lbs of wet flower per hour (450 lbs dry).
XL 5.0
Feed rate per hour wet: up to 1,500 lbs
Feed rate per hour dry: up to450 lbs
Workers replaced: 1,200
XL 5.0 SE
Feed rate per hour wet: up to2,250 lbs
Feed rate per hour dry: up to450 lbs
Workers replaced: 1,800
XL 10.0
The XL 10.0 is the industry’s biggest and best cannabis trimmer with a processing rate of 3,000 lbs of wet cannabis per hour (600 lbs dry). The machine delivers up to 840,000 cuts per minute, replicating 2,400 workers. A central control panel allows for optimal control by a single operator, with a triple-bag kief collection system, ensuring nothing goes to waste.
HP refers to ‘High Performance’, as the machines provide some of the industry’s highest buck rates per hour. The HP1 can trim stems up to 3/4“ thick and de-stems 175lbs of wet cannabis per hour (35 lbs dry). Composed of stainless steel and anodized aluminium, the bucker is robust for extended commercial use.
Feed rate per hour wet: up to 175 lbs
Feed rate per hour dry: up to 35 lbs
Workers replaced: 5-7
HP3 Triple Bucker
The HP3 utilizes two rollers to pull stems into the machine, empowering growers to continuously feed the bucker for an impressive feed rate of 500 lbs of wet product per hour (100 lbs dry). With five feed sizes and variable speed control, the machine provides immense power and adjustability to enhance the de-stemming process.
Feed rate per hour wet: up to500 lbs
Feed rate per hour dry: up to 100 lbs
Workers replaced: 15-21
XL MegaBucker
As the world’s first industrial-scale de-stemming solution, CenturionPro’s XL MegaBucker is designed to buck even the largest harvests. The harvesting behemoth provides the market’s highest buck rate, processing up to a massive 2,400 lbs of wet cannabis per hour (480 lbs dry). Variable speed conveyors provide consistent product delivery, while reversible rollers and removable panels enable easy cleaning for continued performance.
Feed rate per hour wet: up to 2,400 lbs
Feed rate per hour dry: up to 480 lbs
Workers replaced: 15
Get Harvest Ready
Need help finding the right harvesting solution for your garden? The Centurion product selector can identify your ideal machine; select the size of your indoor, outdoor or greenhouse grow to get started! For all other inquires about the reliable harvesting hardware from the innovators at CenturionPro, contact your GreenPlanet Wholesale representative for sales or product information.
FoxFarm Soil and Fertilizer company has consistently manufactured high-quality soils and nutrient systems for years by combining tested production methods with the wisdom and power…
It’s been a great year for cultivators growing in AutoPot Watering Systems! Not only have our partners at AutoPot revolutionized the way we garden, but…
CenturionPro develops elite harvesting solutions for the global cannabis and hemp industry. Trimmers and buckers provide unrivalled performance for a range of grow sizes, delivering flower almost indistinguishable from hand-trimmed product quickly, without sacrificing quality.
All machines are specially designed for wet or dry cannabis, with dual-purpose hybrid tumblers empowering growers to switch between the two with just a few adjustments. As a bonus, an extra set of trimmer tumblers is included in the purchase of a CenturionPro trimmer, reducing downtime and ensuring continued performance, a prerequisite for perpetual harvests. Built in British Columbia, with the best brand name components sourced from across North America, including Baldor motors and Toro cutting reels, CenturionPro’s cannabis trimmers and buckers deliver superior power and precision. As a result of this commitment to exceptional build quality, CenturionPro offers ten-year warranties on trimmers and five-year warranties on buckers.
The company is constantly innovating and refining its machines to provide elite solutions for every harvest. To find the ideal trimmer and bucker for your operation, CenturionPro has created the product selector. Simply select the size of your indoor, outdoor or greenhouse grow to get started. For a complete selection of trimmers and buckers, CenturionPro’s portfolio of elite harvesting solutions can be found below:
CenturionPro’s TableTop machine is the most efficient tumble style trimmer in the world. While it may be the smallest of the company’s trimmers, this powerful design is capable of processing up to 20 lbs of wet cannabis per hour (4 lbs dry).
The Mini is one of the most sought-after machines on the market, replacing 40 human trimmers without sacrificing quality. With a processing speed of up to 50 lbs of wet product per hour (10lbs dry), the Mini is perfectly suited for small and medium-size operations.
The Originaland Silver Bulletmachines are ideal for medium-sized grows, quickly becoming a trusted industry standard. Composed of anodized aluminum and stainless steel, the trimmers are as rugged as they are powerful. The high processing power enables the machines to trim up to 75 lbs of wet cannabis per hour (15 lbs dry), replacing 60 human trimmers.
The double-barrelled Gladiator does the work of 100 human trimmers, making it an incredibly powerful and lucrative tool for any commercial operation. With dual-purpose hybrid tumbler sand side-by-side design, the Gladiator can process up to 125 lbs of wet product per hour (25 lbs dry).
CenturionPro’s 3.0 harnesses Toro-hardened steel blades to process up to 200 lbs of wet cannabis per hour (40 lbs dry). The machine benefits from a triple-bag kief collection system, one of the largest hoppers in the industry and is made from medical grade components to meet HealthCanada and FDA regulations
GCstands for ‘GentleCut’, in reference to the delicacy that the cannabis buckers cut flowers from the stem. This prevents the prized larger buds from breaking apart, to preserve product appearance and potency. The GC1 has a feed rate up to 40 lbs of wet cannabis per hour (8 lbs dry), replacing as many as three workers.
GC3 Triple Bucker
Feed rate per hour wet: up to 120 lbs
Feed rate per hour dry: up to 24 lbs
Workers replaced: 6-9
The GC3 Triple Bucker produces over 10,000 cuts per minute, stripping stems up to 3/8” in diameter. High powered motors provide a processing rate of 120 lbs of cannabis per hour (24 lbs dry), the same as several workers.
Are You Harvest Ready?
Need help finding the right harvesting solution for your garden? The Centurion product selector can identify your ideal machine; select the size of your indoor, outdoor or greenhouse grow to get started! For all other inquires about the reliable harvesting hardware from the innovators at CenturionPro, contact your GreenPlanet Wholesale representative for sales or product information.
This blog was written and provided in partnership with CenturionPro Solutions.
FoxFarm Soil and Fertilizer company has consistently manufactured high-quality soils and nutrient systems for years by combining tested production methods with the wisdom and power…
It’s been a great year for cultivators growing in AutoPot Watering Systems! Not only have our partners at AutoPot revolutionized the way we garden, but…
Cannabis sales in Canada have climbed steadily throughout 2020, to reach record highs of over $230 million.The surge has been driven by a rise in retail stores improving product accessibility, combined with edibles, extracts, and topicals enticing untapped audiences. The new product formats were predicted to attract over three million new consumers, which could help Canada’s recreational industry finally realize its true potential.
With an annual market value of $2.7 billion, the new product categories present lucrative opportunities for the nation’s producers. To benefit from an expanded portfolio, growers need to scale harvests to meet unprecedented demand without sacrificing quality. To do this cost-effectively requires producers to analyze operations from top to bottom, identifying which processes can be streamlined and deploying solutions that safeguard standards.
Streamlining Strategically
Automation can enhance the quantity of cannabis produced, but when adopted strategically can also enhance the quality. When streamlining operations growers should look for the early big wins, automating the most labour-intensive and expensive tasks first. For many this is the crucial, but tedious, harvesting process, which can make or break the value of the crop.
De-stemming hundreds of pounds of cannabis can be a momentous and monotonous task, which can take many weeks if done manually. Every time there is contact with flower, there is a risk of trichrome degradation that diminishes the value of the crop. As a result, many rely on bucking machines to carefully remove buds from plants quickly. Leading harvesting solutions ensure that large flowers and top colas are kept intact, with little to no damage to trichome structure.
Buckers instead of hand de-stemming protects large flowers and top colas.
To enhance the appearance, quality and value of cannabis, growers of all sizes are also increasingly investing in automated trimming machines. While hand-trimming flowers is often romanticized, it is rarely practical in a commercial environment. On average, a micro-cultivator will yield 174 lbs of flower in a 2,000 sq. ft. grow room, which would typically take 25 employees seven days to trim. With an experienced trimming crew charging $200 per lb, a single harvest could cost $34,800. This illustrates how inefficient and expensive hand trimming cannabis can be for even the smallest operation. By contrast, a top-of-the-line machine will trim 174l bs in under five hours-for a one-off investment of significantly less.
An example of automated trimming at it’s finest.
Hiring a trimming crew can be problematic as well as expensive. Employees require motivation to provide top-quality product constantly, with the entire cultivation process reliant on their actions and availability. Pinning hopes on individuals for such a pivotal process can leave companies vulnerable to unforeseen circumstances, such as the lockdowns enacted to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Consistency is King
Due to industry pressures, it is essential cultivators can guarantee their harvesting capacity, which can be difficult to do with a manual workforce. Trimming delays can cause costly bottlenecks and downtime, which prevents producers from filling delivery windows. This is especially true in today’s market, with growers often required to achieve perpetual harvests to satisfy demand.
The best trimming machines are as versatile as a human trimmer, but capable of infinitely greater efficiency and uniformity. With the ability to trim wet or dry cannabis to replicate hand-trimmed flower, adjustable machines produce the same cut every time. In contrast, hand-trimmed product can vary person-to-person and batch-to-batch. The consistency provided by trimming machines enables growers to maintain standards as they scale to meet unprecedented demand.
Adopting automated solutions for automation’s sake, without first identifying how they improve operations, will result in expenses that fail to enhance your grow. However, strategically identifying where costs can be saved and implementing specialist solutions improves both quantity and quality. This enables growers to attract new cannabis audiences now, with the capacity and consistency to satisfy and retain these customers in the future.
Need help finding the right harvesting solution for your garden? The Centurion product selector can identify your ideal machine; simply select the size of your indoor, outdoor or greenhouse grow to get started! For all other inquires about the reliable harvesting hardware from the innovators at CenturionPro, contact your GreenPlanet Wholesale representative for sales or product information.
This blog was written and provided in partnership with CenturionPro Solutions.
FoxFarm Soil and Fertilizer company has consistently manufactured high-quality soils and nutrient systems for years by combining tested production methods with the wisdom and power…
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From the home of B.C. bud, CenturionPro creates elite harvesting solutions for the world’s best cannabis and hemp producers. With unrivalled performance, the CenturionPro trimmers and buckers empower growers to benefit from emerging markets globally, delivering flower comparable to hand-trimmed product quickly, without sacrificing quality. By accelerating the crucial and labour-intensive harvesting process, CenturionPro’s industry-leading machines streamline operations for enhanced profitability.
Expertise Through Experience
CenturionPro’s illustrious legacy spans four decades, with the original tumbler trimmer debuted in 1999. A game-changer for the industry, the seminal machine was the first to produce a trim similar to that done by hand – a feat previously considered impossible. Building on this prestige, the company has continuously innovated alongside the cannabis community, solving industry challenges as they arise.
Dual-purpose hybrid tumblers were designed to trim both wet and dry cannabis in the same machine, while non-stick coatings were adopted to ensure 40% greater trichome preservation. Every standard trimmer is supplied with an extra set of tumblers to reduce downtime and ensure continued performance. CenturionPro strives to be a leader of innovation in the cannabis industry. Their latest industrial-scale harvester, for instance, is able to process a staggering 3000 lbs of wet cannabis (600 lbs dry) per hour.
Superior Harvesting Solutions
With a commitment to creating superior trimmers and buckers, CenturionPro’s machines are built to the highest specifications at the company’s headquarters in British Columbia. Harnessing the best brand name components sourced from across North America, such as Baldor motors, Toro cutting reels and Timken bearings, CenturionPro’s cannabis trimmers and buckers deliver exceptional power and precision.
Built for industrial operations and to exceed industry standards, CenturionPro’s machines are composed entirely of anodized aluminum and stainless steel. Rigorously tested for robustness in real-life conditions, CenturionPro is so confident in the construction of its machines that the company offers ten-year warranties on its trimmers, in addition to five-year warranties on its buckers.
Tried, Tested and Trusted
As a result of CenturionPro’s legacy, expertise and build quality, the company’s machines are consistently cited as the market’s finest trimmers and buckers. TrimLeaf.com and RightBud.com, for example, listed CenturionPro’s trimmers as the best solutions for small, medium and large operations in their 2020 buyers’ guides. In addition, TrimLeaf.com selected CenturionPro’s products as both the winner and runner up in its commercial-scale category.
From the best bud trimmers for small and medium-scale cultivators to the most economical solutions for commercial operations, CenturionPro provides industry-leading trimming and bucking machines for all grow sizes. With a history of ground-breaking innovation, underpinned by unparalleled support and extensive warranties, the company looks to the future of the cannabis industry with revolutionary harvesting solutions.
Check out a powerhouse in a small package!
Need help finding the right harvesting solution for your garden? The Centurion product selector can identify your ideal machine; simply select the size of your indoor, outdoor or greenhouse grow to get started! For all other inquires about the reliable harvesting hardware from the innovators at CenturionPro, contact your GreenPlanet Wholesale representative for sales or product information.
This blog was written and provided in partnership with CenturionPro Solutions.
FoxFarm Soil and Fertilizer company has consistently manufactured high-quality soils and nutrient systems for years by combining tested production methods with the wisdom and power…
It’s been a great year for cultivators growing in AutoPot Watering Systems! Not only have our partners at AutoPot revolutionized the way we garden, but…